This drama stars Nozomi Sasaki as the lead, and also stars Nagisaki Shibuya and Kanya Yoshizawa (Travis Japan). A thrilling revenge story filled with love and hate between two women unfolds. (c)TBS (c)…


“I’ll Take You to the Ends of Hell” starring Nozomi Sasaki starts airing tonight! Visit Rena Hanai (Nagisaki Shibuya)’s house…

“I’ll Take You to the Ends of Hell” starring Nozomi Sasaki starts airing tonight! Visit Rena Hanai (Nagisaki Shibuya)’s house…
This drama stars Nozomi Sasaki as the lead, and also stars Nagisaki Shibuya and Kanya Yoshizawa (Travis Japan). A thrilling revenge story filled with love and hate between two women unfolds. (c)TBS (c)…

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