The weekend movie attendance ranking for January 10th to 12th was announced by Kogyo Tsushinsha on the 14th, and the theatrical version of the drama series “Grand Maison Paris” starring Takuya Kimura had the highest number of viewers in three weekend days…


Ranked up to the top of “Grand Maison Paris”! “The Solitary Gourmet” starts in 3rd place – Cinema Today

Ranked up to the top of “Grand Maison Paris”! “The Solitary Gourmet” starts in 3rd place – Cinema Today
The weekend movie attendance ranking for January 10th to 12th was announced by Kogyo Tsushinsha on the 14th, and the theatrical version of the drama series “Grand Maison Paris” starring Takuya Kimura had the highest number of viewers in three weekend days…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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