On January 14th, Sakurazaka46 member Rena Moriya updated her Instagram. Moriya posted on his Instagram account, “Today, I attended the Rappy Department Store held at Matsuya Ginza…


Sakurazaka46 Moriya Rena and Tamura Yasuno’s “Lappy Department Store” Enjoyment SHOT makes fans happy: “Honorena is the best…

Sakurazaka46 Moriya Rena and Tamura Yasuno’s “Lappy Department Store” Enjoyment SHOT makes fans happy: “Honorena is the best…
On January 14th, Sakurazaka46 member Rena Moriya updated her Instagram. Moriya posted on his Instagram account, “Today, I attended the Rappy Department Store held at Matsuya Ginza…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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