Ren Meguro (Snow Man), Hayato Sano, Mio Imada, Riko Fukumoto, Kosuke Suzuki, Terunosuke Takezai, Yoshitaka Hara, Ryo Ishibashi, Kafka Shishido, Seiichi Tanabe, and director Yoshiaki Murao attended the event in Tokyo on the 14th. …


Ren Meguro (Snow Man), director Murao is impressed with his growing back: “The determination was reflected in his back.”

Ren Meguro (Snow Man), director Murao is impressed with his growing back: “The determination was reflected in his back.”
Ren Meguro (Snow Man), Hayato Sano, Mio Imada, Riko Fukumoto, Kosuke Suzuki, Terunosuke Takezai, Yoshitaka Hara, Ryo Ishibashi, Kafka Shishido, Seiichi Tanabe, and director Yoshiaki Murao attended the event in Tokyo on the 14th. …

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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