… Naniwa Danshi) A young man from the village, Shigemori no kami, and others appear. Following the drama series, Hitoshi Katagiri, Maggie, Azusa Babazono, Ittoku Kishibe, Nana Eikura, Fumino Kimura, Takataka Aoki, Toru Baba…


“99.9 THE MOVIE” starring Jun Matsumoto will be broadcast on terrestrial TV for the first time Hana Sugisaki, Hidetoshi Nishijima, and Shunsuke Michieda from Naniwa Danshi will also appear

“99.9 THE MOVIE” starring Jun Matsumoto will be broadcast on terrestrial TV for the first time Hana Sugisaki, Hidetoshi Nishijima, and Shunsuke Michieda from Naniwa Danshi will also appear
… Naniwa Danshi) A young man from the village, Shigemori no kami, and others appear. Following the drama series, Hitoshi Katagiri, Maggie, Azusa Babazono, Ittoku Kishibe, Nana Eikura, Fumino Kimura, Takataka Aoki, Toru Baba…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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