Kazuki Kameda (33 = TMK), a former two-division world champion who currently fights in the featherweight division, defends Naoya Inoue (31 = Ohashi), the world super bantamweight unified champion of all four organizations, on YouTube “TMK BOX TV”. …


Kazuki Kameda shares his honest thoughts: “Naoya Inoue is a champion. It’s a waste.” “He’s not at the level he can.”

Kazuki Kameda shares his honest thoughts: “Naoya Inoue is a champion. It’s a waste.” “He’s not at the level he can.”
Kazuki Kameda (33 = TMK), a former two-division world champion who currently fights in the featherweight division, defends Naoya Inoue (31 = Ohashi), the world super bantamweight unified champion of all four organizations, on YouTube “TMK BOX TV”. …

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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