Keiichi Yamamoto of the comedy duo “Gokuraku Tombo” recently updated his official blog. Former AKB48 member and talent wife Miki Nishino gave birth to her eldest daughter Nikori last year…


Gokuraku Tombo Keiichi Yamamoto: 3-month-old eldest daughter Nikori-chan’s smiling face shot “The smiling face is daddy’s face…

Gokuraku Tombo Keiichi Yamamoto: 3-month-old eldest daughter Nikori-chan’s smiling face shot “The smiling face is daddy’s face…
Keiichi Yamamoto of the comedy duo “Gokuraku Tombo” recently updated his official blog. Former AKB48 member and talent wife Miki Nishino gave birth to her eldest daughter Nikori last year…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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