Takashi Yoshimura (44) of the comedy duo Heisei Nobushikobushi appeared on TBS Radio’s “Panther Mukai’s #Flat” (Monday-Thursday 8:30 am) on the 13th and talked about his marriage, which he announced on the 1st…


Nobukobu Yoshimura reveals the reason for his decision to get married | Asahi Shimbun Digital Magazine & [and]

Nobukobu Yoshimura reveals the reason for his decision to get married | Asahi Shimbun Digital Magazine & [and]
Takashi Yoshimura (44) of the comedy duo Heisei Nobushikobushi appeared on TBS Radio’s “Panther Mukai’s #Flat” (Monday-Thursday 8:30 am) on the 13th and talked about his marriage, which he announced on the 1st…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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