… A live-action movie adaptation of the manga. Based on the original manga “Cells at Work!” and the spin-off manga “Cells at Work! BLACK,” the film depicts “the internal life of a human parent and child” at CINE QUINTO (next to Shibuya Loft)…


Cells at Work – Next to Shibuya Loft / CINE QUINTO – CINE QUINTO

Cells at Work – Next to Shibuya Loft / CINE QUINTO – CINE QUINTO
… A live-action movie adaptation of the manga. Based on the original manga “Cells at Work!” and the spin-off manga “Cells at Work! BLACK,” the film depicts “the internal life of a human parent and child” at CINE QUINTO (next to Shibuya Loft)…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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