The 13th marks a week since the 8th Ohama Maru, a fishing boat owned by the Otsu Fisheries Cooperative (Kitaibaraki City, Ibaraki Prefecture) capsized while fishing for sardines off the coast of Kashima Port. Ibaraki Coast Guard patrol boats and others are conducting a frantic search…


[Ibaraki Shimbun] Fishing boat capsized off the coast of Kashima for a week, search for missing person difficult, Ibaraki

[Ibaraki Shimbun] Fishing boat capsized off the coast of Kashima for a week, search for missing person difficult, Ibaraki
The 13th marks a week since the 8th Ohama Maru, a fishing boat owned by the Otsu Fisheries Cooperative (Kitaibaraki City, Ibaraki Prefecture) capsized while fishing for sardines off the coast of Kashima Port. Ibaraki Coast Guard patrol boats and others are conducting a frantic search…

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