Talented Kenji Honami (60), former goalkeeper for Japan’s national soccer team, will appear live on TBS’s “Ravit!” broadcast on the 13th (Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.). 1,000 year-end jumbo lottery tickets worth 300,000 yen…


“The Tragedy of Akasaka…” Former Japanese soccer representative “Year-end jumbo 1000 purchase challenge” is a big deficit due to the “Year-end jumbo purchase challenge”

“The Tragedy of Akasaka…” Former Japanese soccer representative “Year-end jumbo 1000 purchase challenge” is a big deficit due to the “Year-end jumbo purchase challenge”
Talented Kenji Honami (60), former goalkeeper for Japan’s national soccer team, will appear live on TBS’s “Ravit!” broadcast on the 13th (Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.). 1,000 year-end jumbo lottery tickets worth 300,000 yen…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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