Kumi Sasaki, Mirei Sasaki, and Mana Takase announced their graduation from Hinatazaka46 on January 6th with the promotion of their 13th single, “Graduation Photo Dake Shiru Shiru”. Graduating on January 25th…


What the first generation of Hinatazaka46 has left behind for the group The progress since the Keyakizaka46 era when they searched for the meaning of their existence

What the first generation of Hinatazaka46 has left behind for the group The progress since the Keyakizaka46 era when they searched for the meaning of their existence
Kumi Sasaki, Mirei Sasaki, and Mana Takase announced their graduation from Hinatazaka46 on January 6th with the promotion of their 13th single, “Graduation Photo Dake Shiru Shiru”. Graduating on January 25th…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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