The Nippon Television variety show “Monday to Night” (every Monday at 10:00 a.m.) starring Matsuko Deluxe and Shingo Murakami (SUPEREIGHT), aired today on the 13th, is a “late night show”.


Photo news (1/1): Late at night, Matsuko and Shingo Murakami also do a great job of answering an English proficiency test in Osaka, where the Expo is being held…

Photo news (1/1): Late at night, Matsuko and Shingo Murakami also do a great job of answering an English proficiency test in Osaka, where the Expo is being held…
The Nippon Television variety show “Monday to Night” (every Monday at 10:00 a.m.) starring Matsuko Deluxe and Shingo Murakami (SUPEREIGHT), aired today on the 13th, is a “late night show”.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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