The program features Yuki Himura of the comedy duo “Bananaman” and Daisuke Sakuma of the 9-member idol group “SnowMan” as they meet a new “favorite” and gradually learn about his charm.


Snow Man’s Daisuke Sakuma was surprised by the appearance of Kajisak’s beautiful girl “Sakusaku Himhim”.

Snow Man’s Daisuke Sakuma was surprised by the appearance of Kajisak’s beautiful girl “Sakusaku Himhim”.
The program features Yuki Himura of the comedy duo “Bananaman” and Daisuke Sakuma of the 9-member idol group “SnowMan” as they meet a new “favorite” and gradually learn about his charm.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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