This is an animation project sponsored by the Village Tourism Association, planned and produced by the MIRAI Anime Project, with cooperation from the original draft, drawings and backgrounds from the villagers, and scenario cooperation from Hiroyuki Can (broadcast writer and village…


Communicating the charm of Tokashiki Island through animation, with all villagers taking on the challenge of drawing and voice acting, directed by Takeshi Shirato, creating an original folktale

Communicating the charm of Tokashiki Island through animation, with all villagers taking on the challenge of drawing and voice acting, directed by Takeshi Shirato, creating an original folktale
This is an animation project sponsored by the Village Tourism Association, planned and produced by the MIRAI Anime Project, with cooperation from the original draft, drawings and backgrounds from the villagers, and scenario cooperation from Hiroyuki Can (broadcast writer and village…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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