Actor Kento Yamazaki (30) attended the stage greeting for the first day of the movie “Under Ninja” (directed by Yuichi Fukuda) in which he stars, held in Tokyo on the 24th, along with co-stars Minami Hamabe (24), Shotaro Mamiya (31), and others. …


Kento Yamazaki, which ninjutsu would you like to use? ? Stage greetings on opening day of the movie “Under Ninja” – Sunspo

Kento Yamazaki, which ninjutsu would you like to use? ? Stage greetings on opening day of the movie “Under Ninja” – Sunspo
Actor Kento Yamazaki (30) attended the stage greeting for the first day of the movie “Under Ninja” (directed by Yuichi Fukuda) in which he stars, held in Tokyo on the 24th, along with co-stars Minami Hamabe (24), Shotaro Mamiya (31), and others. …

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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