The Saturday drama “Lila no Hanasaku Kemonomichi” is set in the great nature of Hokkaido and tells the clumsy and sweet youth story of a former hikikomori girl who aims to face “life” and become a veterinarian.


Impressive scenes and making-of scenes from the Saturday drama “Lila no Hanasaku Kemonomichi” filmed on location in Hokkaido…

Impressive scenes and making-of scenes from the Saturday drama “Lila no Hanasaku Kemonomichi” filmed on location in Hokkaido…
The Saturday drama “Lila no Hanasaku Kemonomichi” is set in the great nature of Hokkaido and tells the clumsy and sweet youth story of a former hikikomori girl who aims to face “life” and become a veterinarian.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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