The movie “Kiriko no Takuto ~YELL~”, which is part of the commemorative project of Atsugi City, Kanagawa Prefecture, which will celebrate its 70th anniversary as a city on February 1st, will be directed by actor Kyoka Suzuki…


Film produced to commemorate Atsugi’s 70th anniversary, starring Kyoka Suzuki, filmed on local stage – Tokyo Shimbun

Film produced to commemorate Atsugi’s 70th anniversary, starring Kyoka Suzuki, filmed on local stage – Tokyo Shimbun
The movie “Kiriko no Takuto ~YELL~”, which is part of the commemorative project of Atsugi City, Kanagawa Prefecture, which will celebrate its 70th anniversary as a city on February 1st, will be directed by actor Kyoka Suzuki…

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