“Black Jack” was originally planned to be a short-term one-shot series featuring all Tezuka manga characters, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of his life as a manga artist and as Osamu Tezuka’s one-man theater.


[Preview] “Osamu Tezuka Black Jack Exhibition” will be held from January 16th at Sogo Museum of Art, Yokohama, with over 500 works…

[Preview] “Osamu Tezuka Black Jack Exhibition” will be held from January 16th at Sogo Museum of Art, Yokohama, with over 500 works…
“Black Jack” was originally planned to be a short-term one-shot series featuring all Tezuka manga characters, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of his life as a manga artist and as Osamu Tezuka’s one-man theater.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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