TextbyCINRA editorial department music program “Venue 101” will be broadcast on NHK General from 23:00 on January 25th. “The 75th Kohaku will be held again with an exclusive close-up video only available on Kohaku retrospective SPVenue!


NHK “Venue 101” Kohaku retrospective special behind the scenes. First-time ME:I performs live in the studio (CINRA)

NHK “Venue 101” Kohaku retrospective special behind the scenes. First-time ME:I performs live in the studio (CINRA)
TextbyCINRA editorial department music program “Venue 101” will be broadcast on NHK General from 23:00 on January 25th. “The 75th Kohaku will be held again with an exclusive close-up video only available on Kohaku retrospective SPVenue!

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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