Summary: After graduating from Nogizaka46, Mai Fukagawa has been steadily improving her career as an actor, appearing in NHK morning dramas and taiga dramas as well as starring.


Mai Fukagawa reveals a strange story while filming the movie “Laughing Mushi” in which she stars “I don’t have any spiritual senses at all.On the contrary, it was good (lol…

Mai Fukagawa reveals a strange story while filming the movie “Laughing Mushi” in which she stars “I don’t have any spiritual senses at all.On the contrary, it was good (lol…
Summary: After graduating from Nogizaka46, Mai Fukagawa has been steadily improving her career as an actor, appearing in NHK morning dramas and taiga dramas as well as starring.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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