[Summary] Ryuhei Maruyama, who stars in the stage play “Roningai,” co-stars Genri, Miyu Irino, Ryoko Fujino, Jingi Irie, Sei Sato, Toshihiro Yashiba, Satoshi Jimbo, and Itsuji Itao at a studio in Tokyo…


Ryuhei Maruyama, full-fledged period drama “Roningai” is a “new challenge”; some expressed surprise at the number of performances.

Ryuhei Maruyama, full-fledged period drama “Roningai” is a “new challenge”; some expressed surprise at the number of performances.
[Summary] Ryuhei Maruyama, who stars in the stage play “Roningai,” co-stars Genri, Miyu Irino, Ryoko Fujino, Jingi Irie, Sei Sato, Toshihiro Yashiba, Satoshi Jimbo, and Itsuji Itao at a studio in Tokyo…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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