Changes in the number of NISA accounts and investment amounts|Nishinippon Shimbun me is a news site that provides the latest information, focusing on news from Kyushu. News about society, politics, economy, etc. in Kyushu and Fukuoka…


Trends in the number of NISA accounts and investment amount – NISA investment amount 3.7 times compared to the previous year, 12.8 trillion yen in 2024 – Nishinippon Shimbun

Trends in the number of NISA accounts and investment amount – NISA investment amount 3.7 times compared to the previous year, 12.8 trillion yen in 2024 – Nishinippon Shimbun
Changes in the number of NISA accounts and investment amounts|Nishinippon Shimbun me is a news site that provides the latest information, focusing on news from Kyushu. News about society, politics, economy, etc. in Kyushu and Fukuoka…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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