“Dog-kun” and “Cat-sama” who appear in “Every day is fun when you have both a dog and a cat” drawn by manga artist “Hidekichi Matsumoto (@hidekiccan)” departed for the sky at the age of 13. …


[Manga] What is the “pat box” of a deceased dog or cat? →”It’s arrived properly…” “It’s always like this…

[Manga] What is the “pat box” of a deceased dog or cat? →”It’s arrived properly…” “It’s always like this…
“Dog-kun” and “Cat-sama” who appear in “Every day is fun when you have both a dog and a cat” drawn by manga artist “Hidekichi Matsumoto (@hidekiccan)” departed for the sky at the age of 13. …

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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