The mini-animation “Dragon God and the Golden Sword,” produced by the Numata brothers and based on a folk tale about Yoshisada Nitta’s attack on Kamakura, has been completed, and the directors paid a courtesy visit to the city hall on January 21st. .


“The Dragon God and the Golden Sword” Kamakura sea folktale turned into an anime – Town News

“The Dragon God and the Golden Sword” Kamakura sea folktale turned into an anime – Town News
The mini-animation “Dragon God and the Golden Sword,” produced by the Numata brothers and based on a folk tale about Yoshisada Nitta’s attack on Kamakura, has been completed, and the directors paid a courtesy visit to the city hall on January 21st. .

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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