“Hida Manga Kingdom,” a comic book library with a collection of 44,000 books, located in Sugihara, Miyagawa-cho, Hida City, Gifu Prefecture, is looking for comic book destinations in the city. Comes with a bookshelf and can last up to 1…


Rental of 100 comics for one month, popular at cram schools Gifu/Hida City “Manga Kingdom” looking for destinations

Rental of 100 comics for one month, popular at cram schools Gifu/Hida City “Manga Kingdom” looking for destinations
“Hida Manga Kingdom,” a comic book library with a collection of 44,000 books, located in Sugihara, Miyagawa-cho, Hida City, Gifu Prefecture, is looking for comic book destinations in the city. Comes with a bookshelf and can last up to 1…

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