A documentary variety show by members of the idol group Nogizaka46, “Nogizaka, Escape.” The first episode of “SEASON2” will be exclusively available on the video distribution service Lemino from the 10th…


Yuki Yoda confesses her feelings before announcing her graduation from Nogizaka46: “To be honest, I’m worried,” “It’s been 3 years since…”

Yuki Yoda confesses her feelings before announcing her graduation from Nogizaka46: “To be honest, I’m worried,” “It’s been 3 years since…”
A documentary variety show by members of the idol group Nogizaka46, “Nogizaka, Escape.” The first episode of “SEASON2” will be exclusively available on the video distribution service Lemino from the 10th…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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