Richi, whose relationship with Kuro-chan of Yasuda Dai Circus became a hot topic, announces her departure from the agency WACK. Kuro-chan and Richi revealed on “Wednesday Downtown” that aired on the same day that they had been dating for two years…


Richi, who broke up with Kuro-chan from Yasuda Circus, announces his departure from WACK agency – Nifty News

Richi, who broke up with Kuro-chan from Yasuda Circus, announces his departure from WACK agency – Nifty News
Richi, whose relationship with Kuro-chan of Yasuda Dai Circus became a hot topic, announces her departure from the agency WACK. Kuro-chan and Richi revealed on “Wednesday Downtown” that aired on the same day that they had been dating for two years…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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