One day, a special video has arrived in which Miko Yotsuya, a high school girl who suddenly begins to see spirits, pretends not to see them. In addition, three occult-related YouTubers will appear as themselves…


Special news for the movie “Mieruko-chan” starring Nanoka Hara has been released. Occult YouTubers and others will also appear in the roles of Nanoha Hara

Special news for the movie “Mieruko-chan” starring Nanoka Hara has been released. Occult YouTubers and others will also appear in the roles of Nanoha Hara
One day, a special video has arrived in which Miko Yotsuya, a high school girl who suddenly begins to see spirits, pretends not to see them. In addition, three occult-related YouTubers will appear as themselves…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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