Summary: The official Instagram of the fashion magazine “Sweet” (Takarajimasha) was updated by the 23rd, and Asuka Saito (26) of Motonogizaka46 has appeared. He showed off his fresh styling.


Asuka Saito, who has received rave reviews for “Ai Himself” and “Oshi no Ko,” has a great atmosphere with her blazed hair and a ladylike black dress…

Asuka Saito, who has received rave reviews for “Ai Himself” and “Oshi no Ko,” has a great atmosphere with her blazed hair and a ladylike black dress…
Summary: The official Instagram of the fashion magazine “Sweet” (Takarajimasha) was updated by the 23rd, and Asuka Saito (26) of Motonogizaka46 has appeared. He showed off his fresh styling.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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