NHK’s “Taiga Drama” depicts the stories of real people in Japanese history. This year’s main character is Juzaburo Tsutaya, the “Edo media king” who produced ukiyo-e artists…


[Reader survey project] Do you watch NHK’s taiga drama every year? What about “Berabou” that is currently airing? “See you again…

[Reader survey project] Do you watch NHK’s taiga drama every year? What about “Berabou” that is currently airing? “See you again…
NHK’s “Taiga Drama” depicts the stories of real people in Japanese history. This year’s main character is Juzaburo Tsutaya, the “Edo media king” who produced ukiyo-e artists…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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