“Sentai Red: Becoming an Adventurer in Another World” is a different world x Sentai hero manga currently being serialized in the monthly magazine “Shonen Gangan” by Torakichi Nakayoshi. A secret society, an evil organization plotting to conquer the world…


Winter anime “Isekai Red” Sentai Red is sharp even in another world!? The bond between

Winter anime “Isekai Red” Sentai Red is sharp even in another world!? The bond between
“Sentai Red: Becoming an Adventurer in Another World” is a different world x Sentai hero manga currently being serialized in the monthly magazine “Shonen Gangan” by Torakichi Nakayoshi. A secret society, an evil organization plotting to conquer the world…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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