“AlwayS” is a gem ballad written, composed, and produced by Motoki Omori (Mrs. GREEN APPLE). A song that sings about the bond between the nine members of NiziU, who have entered their fifth year since their debut…


[NiziU song explanation] What is “AlwayS” composed by Motoki Omori (Mrs. GREEN APPLE)?

[NiziU song explanation] What is “AlwayS” composed by Motoki Omori (Mrs. GREEN APPLE)?
“AlwayS” is a gem ballad written, composed, and produced by Motoki Omori (Mrs. GREEN APPLE). A song that sings about the bond between the nine members of NiziU, who have entered their fifth year since their debut…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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