“Ojou to Watchdog-kun” is a film adaptation of Hatsuharu’s popular manga of the same name, starring Riko Fukumoto and Jesse from SixTONES. SixTONES’ “Barrier” has been decided as the theme song of this work, and the preview…


SixTONES’ new song has been selected as the theme song for “Ojo to Baninu-kun”! The “doting” of the young gangster played by Jesse

SixTONES’ new song has been selected as the theme song for “Ojo to Baninu-kun”! The “doting” of the young gangster played by Jesse
“Ojou to Watchdog-kun” is a film adaptation of Hatsuharu’s popular manga of the same name, starring Riko Fukumoto and Jesse from SixTONES. SixTONES’ “Barrier” has been decided as the theme song of this work, and the preview…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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