The movie “Enemy” starring Kyozo Nagatsuka is currently being released. This film is based on Yasutaka Tsutsui’s novel of the same name and directed by Daihachi Yoshida, director of “Kirishima, Club Club Yamitteyo” and “Tempo-l’oeil Fangs,” was released last year.


The after-watch after watching it is amazing… What kind of human fragility does the movie “The Enemy” show? Thorough understanding of the meaning of the title…

The after-watch after watching it is amazing… What kind of human fragility does the movie “The Enemy” show? Thorough understanding of the meaning of the title…
The movie “Enemy” starring Kyozo Nagatsuka is currently being released. This film is based on Yasutaka Tsutsui’s novel of the same name and directed by Daihachi Yoshida, director of “Kirishima, Club Club Yamitteyo” and “Tempo-l’oeil Fangs,” was released last year.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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