The newly released film features footage of Tsurube Shofutei and Daiki Shigeoka (WEST.), who played the roles of sushi chefs for the first time in this work, practicing their authentic moves under the guidance of actual craftsmen. .


Shofutei Tsurube and Shigeoka Daiki take on the role of sushi chefs for the first time! New making video of the movie “35th Year Love Letter”…

Shofutei Tsurube and Shigeoka Daiki take on the role of sushi chefs for the first time! New making video of the movie “35th Year Love Letter”…
The newly released film features footage of Tsurube Shofutei and Daiki Shigeoka (WEST.), who played the roles of sushi chefs for the first time in this work, practicing their authentic moves under the guidance of actual craftsmen. .

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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