Airyu Kubozuka, who plays the role of a student in “Ogami Sensei,” attracts attention with her playful shots that are “reminiscent of her father, King”…King & Prince’s Ren Nagase, for the first time in about two months…


Airyu Kubozuka, who plays the role of a student in “Ogami Sensei,” said that her playful shots are “reminiscent of her father King.”

Airyu Kubozuka, who plays the role of a student in “Ogami Sensei,” said that her playful shots are “reminiscent of her father King.”
Airyu Kubozuka, who plays the role of a student in “Ogami Sensei,” attracts attention with her playful shots that are “reminiscent of her father, King”…King & Prince’s Ren Nagase, for the first time in about two months…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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