The movie “Muromachi Burai”, in which Naniwa Danshi Kento Nagao (22) takes on a full-fledged action film for the first time, has been released! “I think it’s the coolest movie Kento Nagao has ever made,” he says with confidence.


My first attempt at full-scale action with Muromachi Burai! Confidence: “Kento Nagao’s coolest movie ever”

My first attempt at full-scale action with Muromachi Burai! Confidence: “Kento Nagao’s coolest movie ever”
The movie “Muromachi Burai”, in which Naniwa Danshi Kento Nagao (22) takes on a full-fledged action film for the first time, has been released! “I think it’s the coolest movie Kento Nagao has ever made,” he says with confidence.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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