Katsuki Higashi (29), left-handed ace of the Yokohama DeNA BayStars. In Nagoya, where I was going for independent training, the person I invited to the hotel was not my wife, whom I married in 2020, but the popular sexy actress Suehiro…


[Many photos] DeNA Higashi Katsuki (29) & super popular AV girl “self-training affair” scoop shooting 《Give the card key…》

[Many photos] DeNA Higashi Katsuki (29) & super popular AV girl “self-training affair” scoop shooting 《Give the card key…》
Katsuki Higashi (29), left-handed ace of the Yokohama DeNA BayStars. In Nagoya, where I was going for independent training, the person I invited to the hotel was not my wife, whom I married in 2020, but the popular sexy actress Suehiro…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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