(Matsumoto) This is Jun-kun’s first historical drama since “What to do with Ieyasu” in which he played the leading role. This is almost the first time I’ve fully participated, but it was a lot of fun! Historical dramas are a part of Japanese culture…


Naniwa Danshi’s Kento Nagao adds 6kg to take on a full-scale action movie, calling it “the coolest movie of all time”

Naniwa Danshi’s Kento Nagao adds 6kg to take on a full-scale action movie, calling it “the coolest movie of all time”
(Matsumoto) This is Jun-kun’s first historical drama since “What to do with Ieyasu” in which he played the leading role. This is almost the first time I’ve fully participated, but it was a lot of fun! Historical dramas are a part of Japanese culture…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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