See other images and videos in the original article] □A gorgeous cast including Takumi Nishigaki and Sora Morita gather! Masaru Sato and Akari Takaishi (“Taka” is officially spelled “Hadashidaka”) star in the double…


timelesz Regular cast of drama “Apollo no Uta” starring Katsushi Sato and Akari Takaishi is released at once

timelesz Regular cast of drama “Apollo no Uta” starring Katsushi Sato and Akari Takaishi is released at once
See other images and videos in the original article] □A gorgeous cast including Takumi Nishigaki and Sora Morita gather! Masaru Sato and Akari Takaishi (“Taka” is officially spelled “Hadashidaka”) star in the double…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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