Starring Park Soo-young, who played the main character’s older sister in “Hachidori,” and Lee Yoo-mi, who starred in “Squid Game” and “Mr. Plankton,” this story is about the love and friendship of girls set in 1999 at the end of the century.


Film festivals are sold out! “We can’t go to heaven, but we can love” depicting first love at the end of the century March…

Film festivals are sold out! “We can’t go to heaven, but we can love” depicting first love at the end of the century March…
Starring Park Soo-young, who played the main character’s older sister in “Hachidori,” and Lee Yoo-mi, who starred in “Squid Game” and “Mr. Plankton,” this story is about the love and friendship of girls set in 1999 at the end of the century.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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