The first episode of the Fuji TV drama “Icy – Momentary Memory Investigation Hiiragi-ban” (9 p.m. Tuesday, 15 minutes extended) starring actress Haru was aired on the 21st. Talent Masahiro Nakai’s female…


Fuji TV’s unnatural video “I saw it for the first time” before the commercial for the new drama, with a 10-second background that looks like a geometric pattern…

Fuji TV’s unnatural video “I saw it for the first time” before the commercial for the new drama, with a 10-second background that looks like a geometric pattern…
The first episode of the Fuji TV drama “Icy – Momentary Memory Investigation Hiiragi-ban” (9 p.m. Tuesday, 15 minutes extended) starring actress Haru was aired on the 21st. Talent Masahiro Nakai’s female…

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