Satoshi Nagai, known for works such as “Teiichi no Kuni” and “Character,” adapted the mystery novel “Bomb” by Katsuhiro Wu into a film. Starring Yuki Yamada, the film will be released nationwide in 2025.


Yuki Yamada confronts a man who predicts bombs as Satoshi Nagai adapts Katsuhiro Wu’s mystery novel – Natalie

Yuki Yamada confronts a man who predicts bombs as Satoshi Nagai adapts Katsuhiro Wu’s mystery novel – Natalie
Satoshi Nagai, known for works such as “Teiichi no Kuni” and “Character,” adapted the mystery novel “Bomb” by Katsuhiro Wu into a film. Starring Yuki Yamada, the film will be released nationwide in 2025.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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