In the movie “Oshi no Ko -The Final Act-” Nagisa Saito played the role of Ruby, a member of the idol group “B Komachi” in the movie, Nanoka Hara played the role of Kana, and MEM Cho played the role. ..


[2025] List of movies that won the 48th Japan Academy Awards, including “Samata” and “The Last Mile” winning Best Picture

[2025] List of movies that won the 48th Japan Academy Awards, including “Samata” and “The Last Mile” winning Best Picture
In the movie “Oshi no Ko -The Final Act-” Nagisa Saito played the role of Ruby, a member of the idol group “B Komachi” in the movie, Nanoka Hara played the role of Kana, and MEM Cho played the role. ..

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