A collaboration store between the anime “My Happy Marriage (Watakon)” based on the original work by Akumi Jyogi and “Sanrio Characters”, which is loved by generations, is now available at PremiumShop Tokyo/Osaka/…


My Happy Marriage × Sanrio Store in Tokyo/Osaka/Fukuoka will be held from February 8th! – Collaboration Cafe

My Happy Marriage × Sanrio Store in Tokyo/Osaka/Fukuoka will be held from February 8th! – Collaboration Cafe
A collaboration store between the anime “My Happy Marriage (Watakon)” based on the original work by Akumi Jyogi and “Sanrio Characters”, which is loved by generations, is now available at PremiumShop Tokyo/Osaka/…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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