From January 20, 2025, Hiroshi Obi’s manga “Ganbare Goemon Gaiden – Treasure of the World” (4 volumes) and “New Ganbare Goemon: Hell Edition” (2 volumes) were distributed as e-books.


E-book versions of “Gaiden Tenka no Treasure” and “Hell” from the manga “Ganbare Goemon” series are now available…

E-book versions of “Gaiden Tenka no Treasure” and “Hell” from the manga “Ganbare Goemon” series are now available…
From January 20, 2025, Hiroshi Obi’s manga “Ganbare Goemon Gaiden – Treasure of the World” (4 volumes) and “New Ganbare Goemon: Hell Edition” (2 volumes) were distributed as e-books.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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