Manju Wada from the comedy trio Nelsons will appear on “Yasutomo Kusanagi: Rabbit and Tortoise” (Yomiuri Television), which will be broadcast on the 19th. The broadcast said, “Cheap, tough meat like you would get at a restaurant…”


Amateur’s secret trick to make cheap steak meat “super delicious”…Pros are shocked “I learned a lot”

Amateur’s secret trick to make cheap steak meat “super delicious”…Pros are shocked “I learned a lot”
Manju Wada from the comedy trio Nelsons will appear on “Yasutomo Kusanagi: Rabbit and Tortoise” (Yomiuri Television), which will be broadcast on the 19th. The broadcast said, “Cheap, tough meat like you would get at a restaurant…”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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