Namba announces, “Originally, when I was a university student, I appeared on Fuji TV’s Bakuhaku Uta Gassen Special, where I impersonated B'z, who is a big fan of B'z.”


Masatoshi Nanba announcer not only appears in B'z, but also appears in Fuji’s “Monomimane Kohaku”, imitating musicians’ faces

Masatoshi Nanba announcer not only appears in B'z, but also appears in Fuji’s “Monomimane Kohaku”, imitating musicians’ faces
Namba announces, “Originally, when I was a university student, I appeared on Fuji TV’s Bakuhaku Uta Gassen Special, where I impersonated B'z, who is a big fan of B'z.”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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