The “Rintoku Gakuin Opening Ceremony” event for the TBS Sunday theater “Ojo Sensei” (starting January 19th, every Sunday from 9:00 pm) starring actor Tori Matsuzaka was held in Tokyo on the 12th, and Matsuzaka , Yoshioka…


“Ogami Sensei” Tori Matsuzaka and Riho Yoshioka are moved by the talent of the student cast! Tears are also “the best” and “only charming…

“Ogami Sensei” Tori Matsuzaka and Riho Yoshioka are moved by the talent of the student cast! Tears are also “the best” and “only charming…
The “Rintoku Gakuin Opening Ceremony” event for the TBS Sunday theater “Ojo Sensei” (starting January 19th, every Sunday from 9:00 pm) starring actor Tori Matsuzaka was held in Tokyo on the 12th, and Matsuzaka , Yoshioka…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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